Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Soooooo Predictable...

Well, Dr. D - you were right. I'm blogging about it. But, seriously....I am so proud of my boy! I sat down with Isaac and told him about shots. I didn't sweeten it up, I just told him - Son, they are going to stick a needle in your leg. It will hurt, but it will be over SO quick...and you will get showered with love and hugs and kisses after it. He got upset, but knew he couldn't go to school without them. Yesterday morning, he was pumped. He was ready. Bring. It. On.

We walked across the street to the Doctor's - and Isaac was in SUCH a good mood. Two nurses in, two needles in the thigh, ABSOLUTELY no tears, and a cute little "That didn't hurt so bad, mom" - MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!! Wooo! I feel so bad that I had little to no faith in my sweet Isaac. I pictured Brandon and I holding him down while he beat the hell out of the nurses. Oh well. There's always next time =) Oh, and his wonderful nurse (we'll call her J for the whole privacy thing) gave him a handful of stickers and two, count 'em TWO, pencils for school. Isaac was so happy to have a G-Force sticker that he told me to take a picture for my blog. That's right folks....he encourages my behavior!!!

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