Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I should start by saying that my husband texted me the other day and said 'We're having a girl!'. That was the finish to a very crazy few weeks of phone calls, faxes, and shipping brokers.
Brandon's daddy has had a 1974 Dodge Power Wagon since '76 (I think?). Brandon grew up riding along with his daddy in that truck. Every time we go and visit Arizona, we always make sure to spend some good quality time with her. She's yellow. Took a while to grow on me. But I, too, have grown to love sweet Daisy like she is my own.

And now she is.

She's a big girl. A loud, yellow, big girl. In 8 years, I haven't seen my husband this happy. Except for ya know, our wedding and the birth of our only human child. We had Daisy shipped to OKC and we picked her up Sunday. She has settled in nicely in her new home. Brandon gets all teary eyed when he thinks about his boy riding along beside him in it.

Isaac is at the age where he KNOWS he's awesome. We are loving every second of it.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Yes, It's Been Exactly TWO Months Since The Last Post.

Yikes. I'm not so good at this.

So much has happened in two months!!! Isaac is STILL amazing. STILL hilarious. STILL adorable. STILL terrifying me with his death defying leaps from crap he shouldn't jump from.

But this month brings us to his last few weeks of pre-school! Unbelievable that my child is almost five. He starts Kindergarten on September 7th and the very same school his mommy and grandma went to growing up. Warm fuzzies anyone?

I bought my ticket to Germany. No big deal. I'm not like grinning when I type that or anything. I leave September 1st. Now re-read the last paragraph. Now re-read this paragraph. Notice anything tragic? Yeah. The school district hates me. I planned the trip after the end of August when NORMAL people start school. I will miss Isaac's first day of Kindergarten! I cried. And cried. And then cried some more. But Brandon has reassured me that Isaac will survive. We plan on Skype-ing before school starts that day and racking up phone bills so mommy feels better. Regardless of Brandon's reassurances, I am convinced my child will think mommy is a slacker and harbor feelings of resentment for years to come (let's be honest. Isaac couldn't care less. He will be focused on the amazing playground and the cute new teacher).

I got a new camera and sadly can't post the beautiful HD video it takes because that little sucker is smarter than me. I can't figure out the video conversion. I have a few clips of Isaac's Spring Sing. He was grumpy and giving me hate-face all through which made it HILARIOUS.

Here's a few cutesies to get you through another day.

Treasures in Papa's backyard:

First day of Spring!

Sweet little secrets

You know you're from Kansas when.....

Isaac and his sweet Great-grandma on her 77th birthday!

Easter goodies:

Uncle Matt, Isaac and Little G on Easter:

I hope all of you mother's go out and CELEBRATE this weekend! I know that I don't know what I would do without all of the wonderful women in my life. I thank the Lord each and every day for my mommy, grandma, mother-in-laws, sister-in-laws, grandma-in-laws:)

And because I have only this picture of my mommy on this computer, this is what you get:
Happy Mother's Day!