Saturday, June 20, 2009

Summer Lovin', Had Me A Blast......

Don't you just love the movie Grease? Everytime I hear someone say summer, I automatically think of John Travolta hitting that high note at the end of the song. Sad, but true. I actually get that same cringing feeling about summer that I do about that note..........

BUT...Isaac is thoroughly enjoying his summer. We have him enrolled in tumbling/gymnastics and swimming. He seems to really enjoy tumbling. Swimming starts in July and I think he will love it. So far this summer Daddy has been on doubles and mommy is on reduced hours. Isaac's schedule is a little mixed up and I think it's put him in a funk. I am sick and therefore NOT wanting to go outside in the 100 degree/90% humidity hell. He is not the type of child to want to be all. Siiiiighhhhhhhh.....

So here I am. It's 8 o'clock in morning and I'm sitting on the front porch. Pretty sure it's pouring down rain and still 95 degrees. Bllleeeehhhh. But Isaac's happy though. Further proof that he might be better off as an only child. Although we did have an indepth conversation about how babies are born. He seems to think that he needs and/or already has a sister. My dear sweet friend Charli is about two months pregnant and after explaining this to Isaac (there will be no big belly yet, Isaac, the baby is tiny...but it's growing!), I was met with a blank stare and a tiny voice asking, "How will her baby get out when it's big?". So I did what any good mother would do and I lied. Well, not lie, but omitted. I showed him my c-section scar and I told him the story of his birth. Somehow the child is not traumatized and my story seemed to be sufficient enough to ease his.....uneasiness. Ask Isaac someday how babies get out. He mumbles something about babies big heads, sewing mommies tummy, and gluing stuff back together. Not quite how I told the story, but it will do....


Like, WHOA.

My sweet innocent THREE year old and I were in the driveway. I look in the rear view mirror only to see him deep in thought. Being the kind, loving mother that I am, I quickly turn around and see what is troubling my son. He looks me right in the eye and says......

"Mom, did you know that there is no fence around Mexico?! Crazy, huh. They don't even make him wear leashes."

Uhhhhhhhhh.....WHAT?! Don't know who taught him that, but the first thing I thought is that they better thank the Lord above that it was repeated somewhere that only I heard it. Then I realized that he must have thought Mexico was a dog's name.

Oooohhhh, to see the world through a child's eyes is amazing. And comical.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

My Green Thumb Astounds Even Me.

I wish I could express in blog form how excited I am. You've read about my expertise on plant life here. Well, I'm a changed woman!!! A plant. has. bloomed. ON. MY. PROPERTY!!!!!!

See, this is the life I come from. Lush. Green. Amazing. A plethora of plant life.

And this is my single victory:
One small step for me, a huge leap for plantkind.

Desperate Times Call For.....Desperate Looking Dogs.

I pride myself on being somewhat thrifty. I don't buy clothes for any of us unless they are on sale. I shop the sale ads. Times are tough and as far as I'm concerned they are only going to get tougher. My hours at work have been cut and I'm working anywhere between 24-32 hours. It's not fun, but we are learning to have fun with my extra time. Brandon and I decided to not turn the air on until June 1st. There were some nasty hot days in there, but it wasn't too bad. We've had some other adjustments and >gasp< we've survived!!! But.....our dogs might not.

Brandon had the bright idea to buy dog clippers. I totally agree that with two dogs, bathing and grooming them ourselves would be soooo much cheaper. But....and it's a BIG but....WE HAVE A SHIH-TZU!!!! Those dogs are not meant to be owner-groomed unless that owner is a professional.

I set out to the garage to begin the grooming. Of course it was me. Brandon bought the clippers so I could do it. Patience is not one of his greatest virtues...

Chewy is a sweet cuddly dog. When you come at him with a giant vibrating razor, not so much. He went catatonic. I am a woman. I do not shave my head. I don't actually KNOW the best way to use a pair of clippers. I brushed the dog and thought I would just shave the darn thing. Nope. Sweet tiny Chewy has a coat that resembles an Alaskan Grizzly bear. I couldn't find his skin. Like, TWO hours went by and I just kept shaving him. The hair was never ending. Then I got to his legs. Yikes. That is all I am going to say.

The highlight of that morning was shaving my dog's butt. Yes, his butt. Have you ever seen 'The Great Outdoors'? One of the best John Candy movies ever made. Rent it. Rent it only so you can see the legendary bear. With the bald butt. Why you ask? Because that is what my dear Chewy looks like. I had some clipper issues and removed the guard. It was me vs. some tangles and my patience had run thin. Chewy now runs around with a nice 3/4" haircut and a bald ass. It's amazing. I have never laughed so myself in the garage.

There is no photo evidence of this morning for my dog's sake.