Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Okay, bloggers - I've seen your 'Wordless Wednesday' and I love it. Sadly I forgot to update last night. Soooo.....

You get Thankful Thursdays now. Every Thursday (hopefully...) I am going to let all you sweet blog-people know what I am most thankful for in my life. And of course I will use photos to prove it, because a post just isn't complete without a picture. But mainly because I have a really cute kid.

Here goes!!! My first Thankful Thursday!

I am thankful for the joy that I have in my heart. I never want to know life without joy. It's the 'on-top-of-the-world-superhero-soaring-through-stars' feeling every minute of every day, no matter what that day has brought me. It's going to bed at night knowing that I have life, love, and happiness. It's thanking the Lord that I get to live another day and trying to share my joy - usually shared in an awful joke or a cheesy smile. It's being 25 and singing LOUD in my car with my son. It's laying in bed at 2 a.m. with my husband, laughing hysterically at his ridiculous impersonations. It's being able to laugh when I dump coffee all over my desk. It's curling up with a good book and a quiet house. And it's thinking of this song everytime I hear the word joy (thank you Trinity Lutheran Chapel):

I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart
Down in my heart!
Down in my heart!
I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart
Down in my heart to stay

And it's true!!!! Thanks Mom. I learned this from you.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Quite Possibly The Funniest Thing I Have Ever Seen

NOTE: I spent an HOUR - I repeat - AN HOUR - trying to rotate this %&$*&# clip so you would not have to tilt your head to watch it. Did you friggin' know that there is no easy way to do that?! It takes 3 college degrees and a black belt just to rotate a video. And my cheap butt ain't buying no software to do it (horrible grammar and redneck words just fly out of my mouth when I'm pissed). Take THAT software developers!!!!

I repeated this over and over and over and over and over. My favorite part? The shrug at the end. You see her glance over at her daddy and then it's like, 'whatever' and she walks off.

Over and over and over and over. It's funnier every time.

Crazy Cousins

Yesterday, Brandon and I took Gracie and Isaac to Chuck E. Cheese. Clean, No. Fun, HECK YES!!!! I DO NOT like Chuck E. Cheese. It's a breeding ground for germs, viruses, and Lord knows what else. But, my son and Gracie had an absolute ball. In between handwashings, of course.

We followed up Chuck E. Cheese with an yummy Orange Julius at the mall and some good ol' rocket launching while driving home. We sure a safe, clean bunch of hooligans, eh?

If you've never met my niece, Gracie, you need to. She is a pistol; a fun, sparkling kiddo with an incredible personality and a quick wit. Her laughter is infectious - it sounds like bubbles erupting out of her and I can't help but laugh when I hear it. She's a Sawyer through and through - she likes earrings and barbies, but knows the difference between a shotgun and a rifle. While her and Isaac bicker like siblings, they make each other laugh more than anything. They've been able to spend more time together the past few weeks than they have in their whole lives. Uncle Matt and Isaac have bonded, too and are sure to be hunting/fishing buddies in the years to come. I think in a few weeks, Matt and Brandon will be taking the kiddos camping at the lake with Papa. Papa doesn't know it yet, but they'll have a blast. And mommy will be able to update the blog in the piece and quiet. See? Everyone wins.

Isaac vs. The Duck

Dear Wal-Mart clearance aisle,

Please don't ever leave us. You provide my son and I with hours of endless entertainment and discounted prices on random crap we don't need. It's because of you we continue to survive in this crazy retail world.


A dedicated shopper and her protege.

Typical Morning At The East Household

I don't feel any more words are needed. And yes, Brandon is asleep.

My Boys

Happy Birthday, Daddy! This picture just happens to be one of my favorite pictures of all time. I snapped it with my phone, so it's not clear - but it's perfect. Just pure magic, if you ask me.