Pathetic. I know.
But seriously. My sons ROCKS at anything computer related. He can find, do, and fix anything on our laptop. Educational games, photo editing, painting....all things my son can do to stimulate and increase his brain power. What does he choose to do? And what does my husband encourage? Command and Conquer. For all you non-nerd folk out there, that is a war game that works with strategy and using your thinker to blow crap up. Stimulating the brain? Sure. Encouraging blowing crap up? Yes.
Ladies and Gentleman, let me introduce you to our nightly education ritual:

Do you see the look on Brandon's face? That is a look of defeat. Isaac wanted to place a bomb or rocket or something in one place and Brandon said it wouldn't work. Isaac said,
"Hush Daddy. Watch."
And you know what? It worked. I have no doubt in my head that my son will be helping me with my college homework in a few years. Score!
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