Today was Isaac's first day back to school! Wooo!!! He's been ready for a while, asking us when he was going to go back to 'normal school' (which I believe means NOT Sunday School). He laid out his clothes last night and was very specific when he told me what SHOES he wanted to wear (which, by the way, I'm looking for a bigger size...anyone find a size 10.5 or 11 in black one-star Converse low-tops, holler at me. Life will end when these shoes are outgrown.) He looked so nice. I can't believe this is his 2nd year going to school. He is just too grown up. Isaac thinks it's "SUH-weeeet" that he is the only kid that has long hair. It's starting to curl in the back. Momma loves it! Okay, I got off track there. I get started on sweet-boy's luscious blonde locks and I get lost. Sheesh. He seems to really like his new teacher, Ms. Kristi, and I think he's happy to be back at school. There. Now....Let's talk about his hair some more.
It is TOTALLY his decision to grow his hair out. He's old enough to choose colors of shirts and shoes, and by golly, how he wants his hair. If all my son asks for is to grow his hair, can I really complain?
Isaac cannot STAND to have his hair spiked up. He will have none of that tomfoolery. I'm scheduling an appt. to trim it up and I guess we'll start training it to fall to the sides instead of hanging in his eyes like Shaggy off of Scooby-Doo. I can't even tell you how many people have said I needed to give my son a haircut. It's like me walking up to someone and telling them they should change their lipstick because it looks heinous. In fact, next person to tell me to cut my son's hair, I'm going to. I'll let you know if it comes to blows and let's hope she is a not a woman of great size.
Isaac and Howa think alike on the hair issue, huh! I've tried to tell you.....