My favorite things about Bluegrass:
1. John McCutcheon
2. Finally getting out my rope sandals and tie-dye
3. Watching crazy people
4. John McCutcheon
5. Tom Chapin
6. Long lost friends
7. Watching drunk crazy people
9. Taking pictures of drunk crazy people.
10. John..........Mc..........Cutcheon.
What a weekend! So many great pictures, so little blog space. I can't tell you how much fun it is being sober when so many around you are drunk. I met a man with a parrot. His shirt said 'Saucy Wenches Follow Me". Sadly, it made my day.
1. John McCutcheon
2. Finally getting out my rope sandals and tie-dye
3. Watching crazy people
4. John McCutcheon
5. Tom Chapin
6. Long lost friends
7. Watching drunk crazy people
9. Taking pictures of drunk crazy people.
10. John..........Mc..........Cutcheon.
What a weekend! So many great pictures, so little blog space. I can't tell you how much fun it is being sober when so many around you are drunk. I met a man with a parrot. His shirt said 'Saucy Wenches Follow Me". Sadly, it made my day.
I was surrounded by amazing music and great people all weekend. The talent these musicians possess blows my mind. I was born without that gene entirely. My dad can pick up an instrument and just play. I grew up listening to hammer dulcimers, mountain dulcimers, guitars, and more recently mandolins. Keyword there is LISTENING. I can't carry a tune to save my life and I sure as hell couldn't play a darn thing on an instrument - he didn't pass his talent onto me. BUT...he passed on a great love and apprecation for it. Now Isaac? That boy will do something great in his life. Music and/or dancing will be involved. He griped and complained about going to Bluegrass, but as soon as we got down there it was like...."Dirt? Music? Food? Suh-weeeeet".
I have a small obsesssion with John McCutcheon (no, seriously?!) and was so happy to see him this year. I'm a total McCutcheon groupie. I could go into great detail as to why I heart him, but that's not what is important. The important thing is that I got this amazing picture that will be framed on my bedroom wall. Brandon has never understood my strange mind (insert insane laughter here) and my love for Bluegrass music and John McCutcheon just further fuels that. I have to stare at his camoflauge everywhere. He can stare at John:

There are all different kinds of camps in the grove. This was Isaac's favorite!