Funny conversation from last week:
Isaac: 'Hey mom. Pass me my light sabers.'
Mom: 'Uhhh.....when did you get light sabers?'
Isaac: 'Mom, Howie and Papa gave me a whole bunch of them. Just find them.'
Mom: 'Hey, I am. Watch your mouth.'
Isaac: 'I am watching it. You know what it's saying? Find my light sabers.'
Mom: 'I see this conversation is going nowhere. What does your light saber look like?'
Isaac: 'Oh! Here they are! I never thought I would find my Star War candy anywhere.'
>Isaac proceeds to pop a LIFESAVER into his mouth.
Did you follow? There was some confusion between LIFESAVER and LIGHTSABER. He is his father's son, huh?!
SO many pictures to post and I apologize that this has taken so long. Sadly, here is ONE. I know, what a tease. But, I will give you lots of pictures and even throw in an AWESOME video from 4th of July - if you can wait until later this week.

Brandon's been working some overtime and I am enjoying(?) some weeks with fewer hours at work. It's been nice spending more time with Isaac at home. Of course it's crazy wild and it makes me want to hug any single and/or stay at home mother and buy her a drink. A very strong drink.
Okay, now - I desperately need to get some sleep. My body is revolting against me and I desperately need to go to the doctor. BUT...because I think my doctor reads this blog I will throw in that I think I'm just fine. It's my husband that is urging me to go. I should probably also throw in that I live across the street from the doctor's office....not like I have to put in much effort. I am the epitome of ridiculous when it comes to the doctor. He is one of the most wonderful men you will ever meet (and I mean that too!), but I just don't like going to the doctor. Plain and simple. Anywho, if you don't hear from me by Friday, call my doctor and tell him to meander on over across 19th and make sure I'm still kicking.
The Mama Bear.
ReplyDeleteand that kiddo of yours is too funny!
I'll take a hug anyday!!!