Friday, May 8, 2009

One Small Voice

I sat in the bleachers last night, watching Isaac sing and dance, and then I realized what I was doing. I totally get it now. I used to get so irritated in high school when parents would scream from the never failed, I would always be sitting in front of a parent and their screams and cheers would echo in my head all night. That was me last night. At Webster School's Spring Sing, I was that parent. I screamed. I laughed. I cheered. I clapped. I whooped. And I didn't care who I bothered. My son could see me cheering and he was just as proud as I was. TEARS!!!

They sang many songs, all but one had me laughing my bobo off. 'One Small Voice' still has me in tears. Basically it goes something like 'I am one small voice but I am strong. I will sing my song....' It was one of those moments out of a movie for me. Very surreal. I know I am the one who is supposed to make Isaac feel as though he can do anything, but that little man make me feel as though I could do anything.

Okay, cheesy mom stuff aside. My son can ROCK. Every single one of his teacher aide's came up to me last night and told me that my son can rock like no other. They love watching him play air guitar and he obviously holds nothing back at school. I'm thrilled that his wonderful little personality comes through.

If you click on the picture, it will make it BIG. I mean BIG.

After his concert debut, we went out for chicken nuggets and ice cream to celebrate. It brought back a LOT of memories for me. My parents would ALWAYS take us kiddos out to celebrate after a concert. I played the flute (not just ANY flute, my grandmother's flute) in middle school, and I remember my mom and dad taking me out after every concert (usually a Wendy's Frosty...right, mom?). It was very cool to do the same with my son.

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