Cousin Morgan's wedding was beyond beautiful and the location was amazing. Isaac was DARLING in his tux. I stepped out of my box and wore a red dress. For those of you who know me well, pick up your jaw. I know, it's a dress and LORD it's red. To be quite honest I felt like an leprechaun in a tutu. People may point and say 'how cute!' when they walk by, but all the poor leprechaun can think about is how ridiculous it must look. I know, I know, I'm crazy (but you now have an image of a leprechaun in a red dress in your head and I bet it's hilarious!). I'm glad I wore it and I hope to get a chance to wear it again. Brandon looked great. It's been 5 years since our wedding and 5 years since I saw him in a tux. It will probably be another 5 years until I see him in another. Very handsome though.
Now that we are back home, it's back to working on the house. Or NOT working on the house, which is what I've been doing lately. It's such a mess and Isaac is not so good on the cleaning up after himself thing. In fact, he's on the other end of the cleaning spectrum. He's a filth tornado. Oh well. Rather be happy and dirty than clean and grumpy. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.