Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Quote of the Day

You know, I pride myself on being able to have adult conversations with children. They have amazing minds and far too often, adults underestimate what they are capable of. Two words sentences and hand motions lessen a child's confidence and they just live up to the standards and expectations that adults have set for them. I like to see Isaac carry this on to social settings and watch the amazement on other people's faces when my son speaks to them confidently and articulately.

That being said, I am the mother of a 3-year-old little boy. It is inevitable that he will say the most inappropriate things at the worst possible time. For instance, his word last week was 'boobies'. Don't ask me, I know not where he learned it. The last few weeks it was 'friggin' and yes, he got that from me. Real classy, I know. I have since dropped that from my vocabulary. But, I do my best to let Isaac express himself in every other way, shape and form besides the word 'friggin'.

This week, he has been a grump. He has been scolding Mom and Dad and getting onto us for a variety of things. For example, I was telling Brandon about my day and apparently Isaac had enough of it. Out of my wee little babe's mouth I heard,

"Keep it to yourself, mom".

Other kids? Probably would have talked right over their parents and just interrupted. Not mine. He has to make you feel two inches tall first. Aaaahhh, I love the monster I have created.

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