Saturday, February 21, 2009

Emergency Situation

Isaac: "Mommy, I really want that train!"
Mommy: "Isaac, that is a train statue. The wheels don't even move. Let's look at something that won't break so easy and one that you can have more fun with."
Isaac: >proceeds to throw fit in the aisle of Hobby Lobby<
Mommy: "C'mon, Isaac, let's go, we're not going to do this right now..."

>Enter crazy old man<

Old man: I have trains like that all over my house. I started collecting 'em about 60 years ago, and they're not for little people. They'll break and not be worth anything.
>he continues to talk for a good 2 minutes about the value of a mass produced balsa wood train<

Isaac: >looks at old man and raises his eyebrows<
Mommy: "Yeah, that's what I was trying to tell him, but you know three year olds...they want what they want when they want it!"
Isaac: >flips open an imaginary cell phone and begins to dial< "I'm calling the police....I don't know you, stranger."
Mommy: >While trying to talk over Isaac so the poor old man is not offended, Mommy makes awkward small talk....all while trying not to laugh hysterically<
Isaac: "Yes, police? I need some assistance here. I've got a situation."
Mommy: "Isaac, let's go. Now."

>We proceed to the checkout line without the train, and I very quickly usher out my sarcastic, and now crying, child.<

Ahhhhhhhhh, the joys of having a witty kid.

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