School was called off today due to icy roads, so Isaac and daddy got to spend all morning hanging out. It's very apparent by the train set, race cars and monster trucks strewn all over the living room floor. I'm sure it was totally worth the mess:)
He is really into grapes and yogurt right now, so it's been fun shopping with him. Teaching him fruit names is hysterical. Have you ever heard a 3 year old say 'papaya'? It's hilarious and adorable all rolled into one.
We went back to the opthamologist last week. We really like our old doctor, Dr. Eisenbaum and were reallly bummed to hear he was moving. The new doctor is actually the old doctor before we got Eisenbaum. Dr. Whitfill is nice, but just wasn't thorough and really left me with no answers. This appointment went SO much better and things look good. I got a really cute picture of him sitting in that big eye doctor chair and he looks like such a big boy. I'll try and get that up here tomorrow. No eye surgery, and if the next two appointments go well (one every six months), Isaac will only have to come back once a year. His ptosis has not gotten any worse, and if you ask Brandon or me, it seems to be less frequent. We only see his eyelid droop when he's tired. He's beautiful and perfect, and God made him pretty spectacular.
We're now lying in bed, waiting for Brandon to get off of work. Isaac is on this 'wait-for-daddy-all-night-even-past-my-bedtime' kick. He thinks it's okay because he hugs me and tells me, "Mom, you make me happy"....and it works, so.....whatever. He stays up late. :)
Isaac wants me to tell you guys 'i luv you fam-ba-lee'. When I can figure out audio, you will actually be able to hear that and it will be even cuter.
For now, here's some adorable pictures of the little man on Halloween...simply because they were the first pictures I came across when looking.
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