BUT...the gods of yesteryear heard me whining. Oh, yes, they did. Behold.....SUPERMARIO FOR THE WII!!!!!

I know, right?! This was a staple in my life for a good 5 years. I would walk to my best friend Melissa's house and play Mario and Tetris for hours. I sucked. Still do, but I'm having fun at being terrible. Melissa and her sister, Megan, rocked at it. Every single time I see Mario and Luigi I think of those happy times in their basement and it warms my heart! Now that I TYPE it, I sound crazy. Mario, a black haired Italian midget, makes me think of my best friend, a quiet blonde Swedish girl. One of those 'it's the thought that counts' kind of things.
I could not put into words how excited I was to get this damn video game. Isaac looked at me like I was nuts. It was then I realized that I was old. It was a 'back in my day, son' moment. OH. MY. GOSH. I have come to the point in my life where I am telling the 'I used to walk to school in the snow, uphill, both ways' stories.
Then I got to thinking about all the 'cool' things I did, wore, said, etc.,....let me tell you what - I was awesome, dude. Psych! Bahahahaha!!!
Exhibit A:

This must have been an off day, for I am not rocking the trademark 80's side ponytail I wore so frequently. Or the knot tied in the front of my shirt. However, my socks are slouched and my jeans are acid washed. Let's revel in the beauty of the too short pants while we're here. And, yes, thanks for noticing...those are black Keds.
Our Fraggle Rock, The Smurfs, David the Gnome, Hey Dude, and Saved By The Bell have been replaced by this generation's Sid the Science Kid, Spongebob Squarepants, Phineas and Ferb, iCarly, and Wizards of Waverly Place. I played with Matchbox cars that would put a 3" divot in my head when my brother would chuck it at me. Now? The thin plastic car loses a wheel when we pop it out of the package.
I feel like Earl Pitts (You know what makes me sick?! Listen up America!) - but I am not complaining, just observing. It's pretty cool growing up, watching things change. The Smurfs never had an episode about paying a mortgage or what to do when your son whips out willy talk at Wal-Mart (Mom! The hanger just hit me in mineweiner. It's said just like that - all one word). I miss my youth - the carefree days that were nothing but wondering what mom packed in my lunchbox. And yes, mom, I will pack the little notecards in Isaac's lunchbox, just like you did in mine. And where I cherised mine, Isaac (I blame T.V.) will turn around and trade it for two Bakugan cards and a fruit roll-up.
I leave you with this. No one, and I mean NO ONE, rocked leg warmers like I did. Screw Flashdance, I WAS AMAZING.

Oh, and I guess you can see Isaac in this post, too.